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May 21·edited May 21Author

I disagree. He takes a good general guideline that I agree with - novices get their whole bodies stronger and more muscular, more quickly and efficiently using nothing but the big barbell lifts for increasingly heavy sets of 5, and chin-ups, than any other way - and makes it into an absolute rule that applies in every case to every level lifter for all of eternity. I agree with the general guideline, disagree with the absolute rule.

Wrote about this somewhat here: https://deepsquatsshallowthoughts.substack.com/p/choosing-the-right-exercises-logic

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I'm most intrigued by the idea that dumbbells *just aren't heavy enough to drive an adaptation*. For context, my best bench is 3 singles at 405. Not awful, but not setting any records either. Even at this strength level, I have never been able to load enough on dumbbells or LTEs to be meaningful. Close grips are what I've found to be most helpful.

You bench significantly more than me, but you apparently find dumbbells to be useful. I'm just trying to figure this out.

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May 21·edited May 22Author

With a 405 bench I doubt you should be able to use DBs heavy to be meaningful. Maybe getting into position is a challenge, but you should be able to use a solid weight for sets of 8-10 that provides a good stimulus. It’s possible for some reason you’re just bad at them or don’t respond to them, and CGBP is my top favorite bench variation so there’s nothing wrong with it if it’s working for you. But you’re developed enough that you should be able to gain something from DBs.

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Yeah, maybe I'm just a freak who needs things to be heavy all the time. Light weight just makes me lazy.

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Possibly. I'm not saying you have to use dumbbells to keep getting stronger, just that t you theoretically should be able to at your strength level. But if what you're doing is working, stick with it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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